On June 6th,
the eighth class was taught. This time I did not teach all my students but the
ones who wanted to take an extra help. This time the class was focused on the
development of the writing skills of the first semester’ students.
Firstly, I greeted all
my students and I tried to set the mood in order to create a nice environment.
Next, I just explained them a good activity to be done. They had to say one
word, but following the grammar rules of the language (Noun + verb +
complement). It was a similar process as if they were writing, but in that
moment they did not have a piece of paper not even a pen, just their voices,
and their ability to follow the words in order to make sense of an oral
activity. I really liked that because they can notice that writing is a very
complex process, and they really need to focus on it. They learnt that grammar
is very important, and that writing is a relevant exercise of linking isolated
words to create a general meaning.
As we have already been
in a process of improving writing, we are following some steps in order to
achieve that. By now the students are in the drafting process, but they need to
see some samples to be guided. That is why I showed them some essays samples I
have collected. For that activity the students were in charge of rectifying
their peers’ compositions. However, their names were not revealed, it was an
anonymous error correction, as a matter of general feedback in case some others
require it.
The students really
liked rectifying themselves. They are able to analyze, and to understand what
the mistake was, and try not to make it again. There were many volunteers to
solve the mistakes they had in their papers, so I am convinced they are every
single time more involved in their academic process.
Finally, they continued
writing their essays. They were drafting, and making some corrections. This was
aimed not at obtaining a perfect writing, but to make them aware about the
seriousness of the writing process itself. Wring is absolutely different from
speaking, and they need to know that, and think twice before writing something.
In the way I see it creating consciousness is the most rewarding in the
teaching action.
As far as I am concerned
the lesson was good, fun, and students liked it. Nevertheless, I know there
were some mistakes I made, and I regret not to rectify them at the moment, but
it gives me more determination to do it later. I am shaping myself as a teacher,
and I consider that taking into account my mistakes is a very good way to
start, and not to repeat them anymore.