lunes, 20 de mayo de 2019

Journal entry II

Image result for shopping

On may 10th, the fourth class was taught. This time the topic to be taught was about shopping and I really liked it because there are a lot of things to do in order to teach this topic.
To start the class I always greet all my students and ask them general questions to create a warm environment. They were very attentive, and what I always notice is that they always want to participate and learn new things which is really motivating.
I took a video to the class in order to introduce the topic. It was about shopping in a movie context. The fragment of the movie is really popular. It is called “White Chicks”. As I expected they really loved the video, and they laughed at it. From the video I think I took advantage of it because I asked additional information, and they guessed faster what the topic was about.
Later I decided to take some pictures in a power point presentation to show my students. The idea was to make them aware about different aspects around shopping, and how the linking or relationship with a specific gender has changed over the years. The showed pictures were pretty clear in terms of evidencing real situations. They tried to describe every single picture, and what they did was to associate it with their life, so it works also to be internalized.
From the previous they were asking different questions in order to create the need of using ING after some verbs. The activity was aimed at creating some habits and better association patrons that avoid forgetting valuable information. 
Finally, in pairs they answered a test to know whether they were shopaholic or not. They were very curious about the results. Most of them are not shopaholic, and at the end of the class those results were shared and they looked really happy and enthusiastic.

2 comentarios:

  1. I really like the idea of introducing topics with material that is fun to work with, as you did the video. Students enjoy even more when they feel connected to the topic because it is a part of their lives that is put into practice in another different language. I think I would like to attend one of your classes. Overall, people like a good, entertaining, and productive class.

  2. I like the idea of showing students images and videos because all we know that they love these kind of activities. Unfotunatelly, in my school there are not enough resources to take advantage of these tools but I'm glad you can.
